Hey, we're Nick & Breelle - a ridiculously in love (almost) husband and wife photography & videography duo. We are inspired by our own love story. We know the complex emotions a healthy relationship brings you: comfort, warmth, a sense of adventure, happiness, intimacy, and romance - and we want all of our galleries to show every bit of these. 

We believe in love stories.

Because we have our own

INspired by

music on vinyl / European architecture / cozy nights in / gothic literature / mountain towns / skyscrapers / the ocean / movies / Books / coffee shops / old film cameras

Our Approach

That swipe right at the same time (out of billions of swipe options.) That chance encounter at the grocery store. That blind-date you were sure you didn’t want to go on but your friends talked you into anyways…

However, and WHOEVER you love is welcome here. We love LOVE and cannot believe that such a profound part of our love story is getting to capture yours.

We think all     
are pretty cool

Breelle started this business when she was just 17 and has grown it to what it is now. After meeting Nick, she couldn't imagine a better fit to rebrand in both business, and life, as her partner. 

Our love story began back in 2021 when Nick was officiating a wedding for his best friends and Breelle was the photographer. She was so enamored with the friend group, as they had been friends since they were tiny kids, and noticed Nick and how he fit in. Somehow, she picked up on his mutual edginess and also softness, and knew they’d be a perfect match. So she asked him out (with the help of his friends,) and the rest is history.

The Start of our journey

love stories


not generic
not rushed
not sterile 
not quantity


When Breelle was in high school, she took a photography course and used her grandpa's old film Nikon. To this day, she carries that camera (and a slew of other film cameras) around with her. The grain, the creamy tones and the softness in the colors are why I love it so much. It feels timeless, and also incredibly sacred. Like each frame would disappear if we didn't memorialize it and have it developed. We love the way that you can't see the photo until it is developed, like a little secret between you and the camera. 

Simply put, film captures LIFE in a way that digital simply cannot ...Not to say one is better than the other, which is why I adore shooting a film/digital hybrid.  

Shooting on film


We recently got to go to Europe after years of failed plans (thanks, COVID), and really felt like we finally understood the obsession behind it. For years, Breelle felt as though she was trapped in a small town, and now sees how accessible the world around her is.

We took note of all the differences: the architecture, the food, the ART... but more importantly, we took note of all of the things that were the same: people talking, children laughing, love stories EVERYWHERE. It has given us not only inspiration to shoot and look at things that are visually different, but also to capture those scenes that will never change. 

Traveling abroad


In our house, we typically decorate with flowers EVERYWHERE. Little figurines of Greek philosophers (one of my favorite things to read), and vintage teapots, favorite books, and film cameras. But, we also throw in some Classic Horror books, artist renditions of old horror classics and a glowing neon sign that says "haunt me".
We think what makes life so beautiful - is the promise of an ending....

So we celebrate the small moments, the mundane, the ordinary. Because those moments make up the majority of our lives - and we want our space, and ultimately our photography - to reflect that. To create photos so haunting, that they are enchanting and live on beyond this lifetime.

The juxtaposition of life & death


The details of a person feel so intimate... The beauty marks on their faces, the way they say certain words different from all the rest, the strange things they like versus the ones they absolutely hate... The way they love gold jewelry but also adore old turquoise on silver, too...

To know someone intimately is to know these details, and to capture them intimately is to capture the details. Added touches of florals and ribbons and bows, pearls or candles or rings, arranged differently from one couple to the next... These details matter to me because without them, we will never have the full story of who you are.

Tiny little details

Some things 

we love